Every year, 28 Jakarta High School presents an event which includes sports, arts, religions, and educations competitions that related to social charity.
Not as the same as a few years before, this year, the event will hold a festival to show our concern about the theme that we took. And the theme is SAVING WATER.
Yes, it's the first 28 FEST : AQUARION
The main mission is to bring a lot of people around us understand the importance of saving water.
Like good health, we ignore water when we have it. Like health, when water is threatened, it's the only thing that matters. Fresh water is the blood of our land, the nourishment of our forests and crops, the blue and shining beauty at the heart of our landscape.
Greek philosophers describe water as one of the four elements that made up earth.where there is no water, there is no life. a healthy human being can live for a month without food, but will die in less than a week without fresh water.
But today, while the world's population tripled in the 20th century, the use of renewable water resources has grown six-fold. Within the next fifty years, the world population will increase by another 40 to 50 %. This population growth - coupled with industrialization and urbanization - will result in an increasing demand for water and will have serious consequences on the environment.
This condition inspires us to invite many people for saving water from the smallest thing through this charity event. Then, we expect that they will be more aware of the importance of water.
We live by the grace of water. Share the wealth of water to the next generations.
Coming Soon on 15-18 June 2011
competitions include:
-Mini Soccer
-Modern Dance
-CC Rohis
-CC Rokris
-VG Rokris
-Rally Photo
-Spelling Bee
-Video Tema
-Vocal Group